Friday 24 February 2012

Week 4 Reflection

What: I have done my homework. We did some Maori, we completed a Hei Mihi about greetings. We started to write an email to our buddies in Poland. We went to the beach to learn beach safety.

So What: I have learnt how to load my email and write one to my buddy. I learnt beach safety and that irb stands for inflatable rescue boat. I learnt the 10 rules  about being safe at the beach. We learnt lots from the life guards.

Now What: My goal is to follow the rules that the life guards showed us.

Friday 17 February 2012

Week 3 Reflection

What: On Tuesday we went on a new spelling website, Spelling City. It was fun. We got to learn how to spell more words then we checked out the lions learning den and we have been running in the mornings.

So What: We learnt how to spell words that we  didn't know before and we started our
homework , we did our maths and then we made  letters with our
bodies and photographed them. We made befunky posters.

Now What: I want to complete my work and be in the kings.

Friday 3 February 2012

Cool Blog

My first blog is cool I had to do lots stuff to make it, you had to listen up really carefully. I like my cool blog.